Joukiisenranta | Contact


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Driving instructions from Joensuu

Drive from Joensuu (road number 6) about 11 km in direction of Kajaani and turn right in direction of Eno and Lieksa (road number 73). Drive 19,8 km and turn right in direction of Eno (road number 514). Drive 1,8 km and turn left to road Luhtapohjantie (road number 514). Drive 4 km and turn left in crossroads with sign 390. Drive that road 0,7 km and you are in Joukiisenranta.

AddressLuhtapohjantie 390
81200 Eno

Postal addressIssakantie 43 B
82820 Maukkula

Eki050 377 6567

Päivi050 366 0765